Voting process
Lock $L2X (ERC-20) into a $veL2X NFT (ERC-721) for 1 week - 2 years.
Vote for specific liquidity pools (e.g. USDC-WETH).
Collect voter bribes & fees only from pools you voted for.
Epochs (2 weeks) last 14 days, after which bribes and trading fees are distributed.
Voting weights are reset every epoch; users must vote each epoch to earn fees and bribes.
Emissions Boost Procedure
Users vote for the liquidity pool, which updates the emission weight per epoch.
Keeper distributes emission to gauge per epoch.
The creator of the distribution transfers the emissions ($L2X) to the distributor (voter).
Keeper generates Merkle tree and updates Merkle root to Distributor
Users claim reward token with Merkle proof
Keepers (bots) Procedure
Mint $L2X tokens per week
Collect pool fees per epoch
Distribute emissions to gauge per epoch
Create merkle tree for user per epoch
Update Merkle Root to Distributor per epoch
Last updated