Liquidity Pool Rewards

In L2X, the primary source of income for liquidity providers (post VE module launch) is derived from the $oL2X rewards.

Only whitelisted pools can act as Gauge. 82.5% of the $oL2X emission is intended for liquidity providers, and this allocation is then divided and distributed to LPs of different gauges according to the outcome of the periodic $veL2X voting. To protect the interests of existing $veL2X holders, the remaining 15% of $oL2X emissions are locked as $veL2X and integrated into the veL2X holders. The final 2.5% of $oL2X emissions will be sent to the protocol treasury for future use. Meanwhile, $veL2X voters will receive 80% of the swap fees from the gauges, and the remaining 20% of the swap fees will go to the L2X protocol treasury.

For non-whitelisted pools, the liquidity provider will receive all swap fees, but the pool will not have $oL2X emissions. APR Calculations

The determination of the APR's range is influenced by the current price of the $L2X token combined with the votes gathered by a particular liquidity pool.

When navigating to the Vote page (coming soon), the "Current APR" metric showcases the APR the vault is producing for the ongoing epoch. In contrast, the "Expected APR" provides an anticipated view of the subsequent epoch's APR, grounded on the votes the gauge has accumulated up until that point.

Last updated